Report Cetacean

Report a sighting of a whale, dolphin or porpoise

Report Basking Shark

Report a sighting of a basking shark

Recent Cetacean

View sightings of whales, dolphins and porpoises

Recent Basking shark

View sightings of basking sharks
Public Sightings Network

Our public sightings database dates back to 2005 and is the backbone on which MWDW was built. Public sightings reports, known as opportunistic or ‘by chance’ sightings allow us to determine relative abundance and distribution for our key species across the seasons and years. This data is vital in order to monitor and conserve cetaceans and basking sharks in Manx waters. 

Anyone and everyone is encouraged to report sightings to us. Even if you are not sure what you have seen, fill out as much as you can on the report form and we will be in contact with you. We are able to confirm species 99% of the time.